Category: Pontifical Institute of Liturgy
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 Elenco dei corsi Documents Notices


Baccalaureate in Liturgy





Introduction Baccalaureate in Sacred Liturgy is aimed at preparing students for the study of the Liturgy, through a liturgical and theological formation in the reading of the sources and literature of the great authors of liturgical science, so that "the faithful may express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ and the genuine nature of the true Church" (SC. 2). The SL.B. provides the requirements for access to the Licence in Sacred Liturgy.
Requirements for admission All those who have a secondary school diploma necessary for admission to a State University in the student's country of origin can enrol in the first cycle for Baccalaureate in Sacred Liturgy (SL.B.). The Institute requires foreign students to take an entrance test to assess their knowledge of the Italian language. For students of classical education it will be necessary to take a level test to assess their knowledge of classical languages (Latin and Greek). ISSR students who have completed their studies and wish to specialise in Liturgy, as well as students who have completed five-year philosophical-theological studies but do not have the ST.B., can access the SL.B. by agreeing on a study programme with the Headmaster. Please note: The ST.B. will continue to grant access to the Licence in Liturgy, subject to an admission test of Greek and Latin and Italian only to foreign students. The SL.B. does not give the right to access the Licence in Theology. In order to gain access to the Licentiate in Theology the student will have to be recognised for the courses passed in the SL.B. and complete the programme provided for the ST.B. including the obligatory philosophical studies.
The study plan The three-year study programme includes the following areas which will be distributed in one or more subjects:
- all basic courses (125 ECTS);
- six characterising courses (30 ECTS) among the following areas:
    - Liturgy
    - Patristica
    - Sacraments
- three supplementary courses (15 ECTS) among the following areas:
    - Liturgical Spirituality
    - Spirituality and humanities
    - Christology
    - Ecclesiology
    - Anthropology
- final exam (10 ECTS):
- a Baccalaureate thesis of about 40 pages;
- or the comprehensive oral examination with a committee of three professors. The student's academic activities must reach at least 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).