Category: Courses of Languages
Hits: 404
O Lord, ruler and guardian of your Church,

pour out, we pray, upon your servants
a spirit of truth, understanding and peace,
that they may strive with all their heart
to know what is pleasing to you 
and then pursue it with all their strength.

O God, who care for your peoples with gentleness
and rule them in love,
endow with a spirit of wisdom
those to whom you have handed on authority to govern,
that your people may be led to know the truth more fully
and to grow in holiness according to your will.


Look upon the offerings of your servants,
O God of all compassion,
and bestow on them the grace of your light,
that they may have a true understanding
of what is right in your eyes
and boldly carry it out.


Grant, we pray, O merciful God,
that the holy gifts we have received
may confirm your servants in the truth
and prompt them to seek the honour of your name.