Hits: 1944

 23.10.12 de Ceartau

Theological Colloquium

Rethinking Theology with Michel de Certeau

The work of Michel de Certeau, French Jesuit and student of Cardinal Henri de Lubac, has often been characterized as the work of a traveller. He is renowned in the historical as well as in the cultural sciences. His studies on Modern mysticism are exemplary in the section of spiritual theology, while his books and articles on anthropology and psychoanalysis tend to challenge and subvert the discussions of the experts. Likewise, Certeau profoundly interrogates the common ways of doing theology, both in a direct way that characterizes the Christian tradition – when he speaks of the absence of God –, and with his style of writing, which does not allow a disciplinary classification. The explicit theological reception of his works has so far remained on a moderate level, although they offer a variety of challenges for theological reflection not fully taken on board. His provocative interpretation of the relationship between the believer and tradition especially stimulates a series of theological re-readings. A constitutive rupture regarding the accessibility of the origins characterizes this fundamental relation, which is of high relevance in the face of today’s pastoral situation. Thus, Certeau’s works not only provide perspectives to rethink singular theological topoi, but also stimulate a meta-discussion on the options of theological reasoning in general as comprehension of Christian everyday life. This meta-discussion is crucial for thinking about the truth of Christianity in the current contexts of the Western Church marked by profound processes of “exculturation” of Christianity, pushing us to reweave the relation of Theology and Human Sciences as well as the one between theory and practice, i. e. between Theology and lived spirituality, including the dimension of spiritual experience (mysticism). In the horizon of Certeau’s diverse fields of research, the colloquium analyzes and displays the potential of Certeau’s perspectives for a contemporary theology.



Organized as an inter-university collaboration by

Dr. Carlos Alvarez, S.J.
ITER-Universidad Alberto Hurtado Santiago de Chile

Prof. Dr. Isabella Bruckner
Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Rome

Prof. Dr. Stella Morra
Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome

Monastic Institute of Sant’Anselmo


The Theological Colloquium is sponsored by the Institut Français Centre Saint-Louis

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Thursday 12 October 2023


03.00 p.m.: Greetings

03.10 p.m.:

I. The boundaries of absence

03.30 p.m.:
Les langages chrétiens
et la communication culturelle.
Les problémes, questions et défis
que Michel de Certeau pose
au langage théologique

Carlos Alvarez, S.J.
ITER-Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile

04.00 p.m.:
Une épistémologie cachée.
La déterritorialisation de la théologie de L’écriture de l’histoire (1970-1975)

Andrés Freijomil
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires

04.30 p.m.:
Michel de Certeau et l’épistémologie
de la “science des choses divines” : de l’école française de spiritualité
à la tradition de ‘l’étude du mystère’ (xuanxue) en Chine
Benoit Vermander, S.J.
Fudan University, Shanghai

05.00 p.m.:

05.30 p.m.:

06.00 p.m.:
Certeau le lecteur-auditeur
des mystiques. A la recherche
d’un murmure de l’Absent

Yu Watanabe
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo

06.30 p.m.:
The Oral Other: A Psychoanalytical Attempt with Michel de Certeau

Martin Eleven
Universität Wien, Vienna

07.00 p.m.:

Friday 13 October 2023


09.00 a.m.:

09.10 a.m.:

II. Experience and practice of the absent real

09.30 a.m.:
L’événement du quotidien
Claire-Anne Baudin
Centre Sèvres, Paris

10.00 a.m.:
Théologie et pastoral à partir
de la perspective de la théorie
du quotidien chez Michel de Certeau

Geraldo De Mori, S.J.
Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia
e Teologia, Belo Horizonte

10.30 a.m.:

11.00 a.m.: Coffee

11.30 a.m.:
Practices of Mystical Theology according to Michel de Certeau
Inigo Bocken
Titus Brandsma Instituut, Nijmegen

12.00 p.m.:
Comment penser (théologiquement) notre pratique? Michel de Certeau
and practical theology

Christian Bauer
Universität Münster, Münster

12.30 p.m.:

III. Picking up the absence

03.00 p.m.:
In search of the rules of dance:
de Certeau and the monks

Bernard Sawicki, O.S.B.
Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Rome

03.30 p.m.:
La blessure de l’autre: la vulnérabilité comme clé anthropologique
et théologique dans la pensée
de Michel de Certeau

Tiziano Ferraroni, S.J. 
Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale, Naples

04.00 p.m.:
Pratiques spirituelles et prière
incarnée chez Michel de Certeau.
Margit Eckholt
Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück

04.30 p.m.:

05.00 p.m.:

05.30 p.m.:
Les ressources théologiques
de la pensée de Michel de Certeau pour imaginer une Église synodale

Christoph Theobald, S.J.
Centre Sèvres, Paris

06.15 p.m.:
Discussion with doctoral students

Saturday 14 October 2023


09.00 a.m.:

09.10 a.m.:

IV. Living the absent body in the future

09.30 a.m.:
Tra un cadavere assente
e un corpus vivente: la questione
dei corpi istituzionali
Stella Morra
Pontifica Università Gregoriana, Rome

10.00 a.m.:
Il corpo del mondo. Ripensare la sacramentalità con Michel de Certeau
Isabella Bruckner
Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Rome

10.30 a.m.:

11.00 a.m.:

11.30 a.m.:
La Cristologie implicite
de Michel de Certeau

Pierre Gisel
Université de Lausanne, Lausanne 

12.00 p.m.:
Michel de Certeau: Secularism
and Christian Apologetics
Graham Ward
Christ Church, Oxford

12.30 p.m.:

01.00 p.m.: