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Immerse yourself in the study of the Latin language in Rome, the native home of classical, ecclesial, liturgical and renaissance Latin. But Latin? Does modern culture provide immersion in the Latin language? We say yes. Here at Sant'Anselmo, in the heart of historic Rome, Latin is an integral part of our daily routine, culture and library.

Live the Roman Language in Rome

Edifices and monuments, frescoes and mosaics, bear the ancient language of Rome and speak to you fluently, regularly, immersing you more effectively than anywhere else on earth. On every corner of central Rome, you will find Latin engraved on grand marble slabs, columns, paintings, sculpture, and even walls, all making the language come alive as you walk through her ancient streets and make your own discoveries daily. And don’t miss out on the famous Roman libraries!

Shadow Our Recitation

In the unique setting that is Sant'Anselmo, you are free and welcome to join the monks praying in Latin, sung in Gregorian chant three times a day, at Ora Media, Vespers and Compline. In this way, you will participate actively in three language skills concurrently: reciting, listening and reading.

Academic Grounding

This course is part of the preparatory year of linguistic study at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo, although other people are welcome to enrol and join the study. Classroom encounters are conducted for an hour and a half, 5 days a week, every lecture day of the academic year from 3 October 2022 until the end of May 2023. We will immerse ourselves in full, authentic Latin texts from every genre and era, and render them into clear English. For most sessions, participants prepare a ludus domesticus, a "home game" during private study, for feedback in a subsequent encounter. These were written and made famous by Reginald Foster, OCD, papal Latinist for four popes. Instruction in English means there is no guessing, just direct understanding of the meaning of Latin texts.

» Course Information

The Result: Proficiency and Academic Credits

The course is recommended for university and post-graduate students, scholars, liturgists, people on sabbatical, anyone wishing to develop a solid foundation in the latin language. No prior knowledge of Latin is necessary. Participants may enrol for the first semester only or for the entire academic year 2022-2023. Successfully completing each semester confers 15 credits under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), for a total of 30 ECTS for the academic year. The official code for the programme is 101032: Latin in English.

Whether you seek to expand your understanding of the world or you are academically dedicated to learning Latin, this uniquely immersive course is for you.