Digital resources

Local digital resources

The Library offers access to the following digital resources:

(access reserved for internal users)

  • EBSCOhost
    (Philosopher’s Index, Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS, eBook Collection, eBook Religion Collection)

  • LLT-A 
    (Library Of Latin Texts)


Journal Catalogs:

Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP)
Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP) – URBE

Online journals with direct access from the university network:

Biblical Interpretation
Biblical Theology Bulletin
Ecumenical Review
International Journal Study Christian
Kerygma Dogma
Kirchliche Zeitegeschichte
Novum testamentum
Vetus testamentum
Vigiliae Christianae
Zeitschrift Alttestamentlich
Zeitschrift Neuere Theologiegeschichte

Online journals with password access from the university network:

New Testament Studies
Theologische Literaturzeitung

Free access electronic journals:

The library reports the free service of the
DOAJ – Directory of Open Access
Journals which offers the possibility to consult and download full-text articles published in a large number of electronic periodicals covering all disciplinary fields.

Online resources

Free Access Websites:

Abbreviations in Theology & Biblical studies
Acta Apostolicae Sedis
Acta Sanctae Sedis
Anagrafe Biblioteche Italiane
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Biblioteche digitali e archivi aperti
Biblioteche italiane
Biblioteche nel mondo
Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici (ACNP)
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Chiesa Cattolica Italiana – Home Page
Concilio Vaticano II – Documenti
Conferenze Episcopali
Congregazione per il Clero (Santa Sede Vaticano)
Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti
Corpus Thomisticum
Curia Romana
Early Modern Philosophy (Some texts)
The European Library
Evangelizzazione dei Popoli
Guide per la ricerca in Internet
Index Theologicus (IxTheo) – Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
ISI journal abbreviations index
MetaOpac MAI
Michael Italia
Monumenta Germaniae Historica Digital
The Philosopher’s Index: abbreviations, ISSN numbers and full titles of journals
Rete URBE (Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche)
Rete URBS (Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche)
La Sacra Bibbia
Sant’Agostino – Augustinus Hipponensis
Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN) – OPAC
Siti Cattolici in Italiano (Lista)
Tübingen Virtual Library – Current awareness service for articles






Library Access Guidelines

  • Access to the library is reserved to Sant’Anselmo students, professors and residents.
  • Only users with reading room reservations, valid IDs and masks will be allowed to use the reading room.
  • Users can make reading room reservations from 16:00 the day prior to their intended visit until 8:30 the day of their visit by completing the online reservation form. They will be limited to one consultation period (8:30 to 13:00 or 14:00 to 18:00) daily, in case of high demand. Unreserved reading room spaces will remain available for same day walk-in reservations. Nota bene: Users must be logged in to their personal Google accounts in order to access the reservation form.
  • Users with borrowing privileges may enter the library to borrow books without a reservation. When doing so, they should go directly to the stack area, find their book(s), check out their book(s) and depart from the library without stopping in the reading room or photocopy/scanning area.
  • Users with borrowing privileges may enter the library to return borrowed books without a reservation. When doing so, they should place their books in the returned books box next to the reference desk and depart from the library without stopping in the reading room or photocopy/scanning area.
  • Twelve users will be allowed access to the library at any given time during open hours.
  • Users may occupy only the twelve tables designated for use within the library.
  • Users must disinfect their hands each time they enter the library, each time they enter the magazzino, and each time they use the photocopier and/or scanner.
  • Users must wear masks at all times while in the library.
  • Library users must respect social distancing (at least 1 meter) all times while in the library.
  • Users should avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth when in the library.
  • Users should cover their mouths and noses with flexed elbows or tissues when sneezing or coughing in the library.