Floral Art for the Liturgy
Lessons will take place online
Course structure
The course is structured in two levels of four meetings each.
For the academic year 2020-2021 the first level course (waiting for Christmas) will take place on Friday 27 November, 4 December, 11 December and 18 December 2020.
The second level course (pending Easter) will take place on Friday, March 5, March 12, March 19 and March 26, 2021.
The flowers in the Liturgy
Like music, song, light, word, gesture, perfume, dance, the beauty of linen and silk, architecture and painting, flowers are a language capable of introducing the experience of God and proclaiming the Mystery. They are present in the liturgy for a humble service: to prepare the environment where God meets his people, his bride, a "nuptial", "covenant" meeting, which must be marked by sober and elegant beauty, celebration and gratuitousness.
To whom the course is addressed
The course is addressed to sacristi, custodians of churches and chapels and to all those, men and women, who, with generosity, wish to begin to place themselves at the service of the liturgy through floral art, but also to those who are already engaged in this activity, wants to deepen its technical and liturgical knowledge.
The lessons are held at the Meeting Room of the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo on Friday from 15:00 to 18:00.
Enrolment fees
The cost of the second level course is € 175.00 + € 40.00 material contribution. Enrolments are received from January 11, 2021, at the General Secretariat of the University.
On completion of the enrolment procedures, the student will receive, by e-mail, the receipt of payment MAV (Payment By Notice).
At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be issued.
Carla Lauri
Pontificio Istituto Liturgico Rome