The Agency of the Holy See for the Assessment and Promotion of the Quality of the Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO) asks each academic institution to have an office/quality commission.
The Office quality of our Athenaeum is in charge of the self-evaluation the process of self-evaluation the different faculties, the SWOT analysis (Strengths/Weaknesses/ Opportunities/ Threats) and the evaluation of courses and seminars at the end of each semester.
The purpose is to evaluate and promote quality in our Athenaeum.
For any further information please contact the person in charge of the Office quality, P. Laurentius Eschlböck OSB, laurentius.eschlboeck@
Articles 13 and 14 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”)
The Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo and the Badia di Sant’Anselmo are engaged in the protection and safeguarding of personal data of visitors and users of the website The processing of your personal data is therefore based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency and is carried out according to the terms and conditions of this Information that we invite you to read with particular attention. It contains relevant information on why and on how we process your personal data and lists your rights with regard to these treatments.
We also inform you that this Notice applies only to the activities on our Site and does not apply to personal data collected through links to external sites. As better specified below, we invite you to consult their information to know how your data will be processed.
The Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, with headquarters at 00153 Rome, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5 Tax Code 97509190589, and the Badia di Sant’Anselmo, with headquarters at 00153 Rome, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5 Cod Fiscal 80202010585, are Joint Data Controllers of the processing of personal data pursuant to art. 26 GDPR (hereafter: the Joint Data Controllers). The relationship between the Joint Data Controllers is regulated by a specific written agreement that can be consulted on request.
The Joint Data Controllers have appointed a Manager of Data Protection (hereinafter, also MDP) who may be contacted for any request or information on the processing of personal data at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the moment of your access and while browsing, our Website collects different categories of personal data:
On the site there are some features that allow you to reach us and interact with us.
– Through the contact pages and addresses on the site, you can interact with the administrative and accounting offices of the Ateneo and the Badia, with the registrar, with the library, with the Academic Authorities and also with the teachers of our faculties. When you send us an e-mail, we will collect your e-mail address and the data you would like to provide us (normally, name and surname, address) and that will be used by us in order to process your request. We will keep this information for as long as necessary in relation to your request. We inform you that the individual teachers of our Ateneo whose personal email address is listed on the Website, are Data Controllers or Data Processors, depending on the case, for the data that you will provide directly to them.
– During the course registration process and in the case of your donations we may also be aware of your tax information (personal data, social security number, VAT number) and bank (credit card number). These data are processed for the specific purpose for which they were collected (payments management) with manual and / or computerized and telematic tools in order to guarantee their security, integrity and confidentiality in compliance with current regulations.
The provision of all data listed above is optional and their processing is based on your consent. Your refusal to provide the requested data will not imply consequences simply for browsing our site but will not allow us to provide the requested service.
The Website uses cookies which are small text files that allow one to collect and store information on user preferences and incorporates plugins and / or buttons for social networks in order to allow easy sharing of the content of the site on your social profiles.
The decision of the Guarantor
The Guarantor for the protection of personal data issued on 8 May 2014 the provision: Identification of the simplified procedures for the disclosure and the acquisition of consent for use cookies (Published in the Official Gazette No. 126 of 3 June 2014). This provision can be consulted on the web page
The pages of a website may contain text, images, and other multimedia information, but may also contain “instructions” that are automatically executed by the user’s browser. The web page may also contain instructions for storing information about the user’s device (cookies).
Cookies are distinguished by a different intended use:
Sant’Anselmo cookies
The provision of the Guarantor, to which reference should be made for a better definition of terms, establishes, for the protection of users, that each site declare which type (purpose) of cookies it uses.
In this regard we inform you that in general for access to the web pages / services produced by Sant’Anselmo and presented in their pages, ie pages with URLs … / …, where not otherwise explicitly specified, are used exclusively technical cookies. In general, Sant’Anselmo does not produce and publish web pages that use profiling cookies.
Any exceptions to this policy are explicitly highlighted on each page / service affected by the exception.
Some web pages of Sant’Anselmo include third-party services. For these pages the privacy policy followed regarding cookies is that of external service providers to which reference is made.
The cases in which third-party services are:
In all these cases the policy on the processing of data that is followed on cookies is established by third parties.
In accordance with the provision of the Guarantor of 8 May 2014, we report below the links with which you can examine the policies adopted by third parties regarding the processing of personal data and the use of cookies:
Google / Youtube: Cookie – Privacy ;
Google Web Fonts: Privacy – FAQs ;
Vimeo: Privacy ;
Soundcloud: Privacy ;
The pages … / … of the site also use the service Google Analytics which, however, has exclusively statistical purposes on aggregate and non-personal data.
How to limit the use of cookies
We also inform you that you can independently choose which cookies to give your consent by selecting the option of your liking on your browser from the service settings, reachable at the following links:
Safari – Google Chrome – Mozilla Firefox – Internet Explorer
Embedded content from other websites: more information
Some content on the site may include content from external websites (for example videos, images, articles, etc.). We inform you that the aforementioned contents follow the privacy policies and the use of cookies from the sites of origin and may therefore collect your data, use cookies, perform navigation tracking operations, and monitor your interaction with such external content in cases in which you have a limited access account with a password and you are connected to that website.
The site incorporates the commonly-used plug-in WordPress Multilingual, which uses cookies to identify the current language of the visitor, the last language visited and the language of users who have logged in. While using the plug-in, WPML will share site data through the installer. No user data will be shared.
If you are a registered user, your activities may be tracked and stored.
The personal data collected on our Site are intended for the administration bodies of the Joint Data Controllers, the administrative, accounting, communications and system administrators of the Joint Data Controllers, and in general to all managers, supervisors and agents responsible for the processing of data appointed by the Joint Data Controllers in the performance of their duties. The data may also be disclosed to third parties who provide external services for the management of the Site, market researchers, technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies and those performing profiling activities. Your data may eventually be transferred abroad, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, even in countries outside the European Union. The transfer to countries outside the EU, in addition to cases in which this is guaranteed by the adequacy decisions of the European Commission, is carried out in such a way as to provide appropriate and proper guarantees under the GDPR.
We inform you that the collected data will never be disclosed and will not be communicated to the public without your explicit consent, except for the communications necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations.
The processing of personal data may also take place by third parties on behalf of the Joint Data Controllers; in this case the Controllers will appoint them as Data Processors and define in writing their duties and the limits of the appointment.
The personal data collected will be stored in a form that allows identification of data subjects for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which the personal data are processed. The data collected for purposes of inclusion in the mailing list will be kept until your request for cancellation from the service. The data relating to commercial transactions will be kept for the time required by the regulations on the conservation of accounting records. You can request from our Data Protection Manager the information on the retention period of your data and on the general principles we apply (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
We inform you that you are granted the following rights:
It is also your right to obtain from the Manager confirmation that data processing is currently underway and to obtain the following information: the purposes, the categories of data processed, the recipients or categories of recipients and all information on their origin.
For all the necessary information and to exercise your rights, you can contact our MDP at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This Privacy Policy on the processing of personal data and on the use of cookies has been updated on 14 November 2018 and may be subject to additions or changes depending on any national or international regulatory changes applicable to the Site.
The Joint Data Controllers
Pontificio Ateneo sant’Anselmo
The Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo establishes the Sant'Anselmo Award in order to stimulate scientific research and promote the publication of the best doctoral theses.
The University Chaplaincy offers spiritual help to all the students of the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo.
The University Chaplain is the Pachomius Okogie O.S.B.
Padre Pachomius is available, by appointment, to offer to all those who ask for confession, a comfort, a listening.
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We sing Opus Dei in Latin and Italian.
The working hours are as follows:
06.20 Lauds and Holy Mass for the Community of the International College
08.00 Holy Mass for External Students
12.50 Average hour
19.15 Vespers
The Church is open all day from 7.00 to 19.15 for personal prayer.