Doctorate in Philosophy
The PhD cycle lasts three years and aims to complete the scientific training and to write, defend and publish a PhD thesis that makes a real contribution to the progress of philosophical science.
Requirements for the first ordinary enrolment:
- The degree of Licentiate in Philosophy with the minimum qualification of magna cum laude;
- Non-Italian students must pass the Italian language exam certifying their ability to follow the lessons. Those who fail the exam must follow the Italian language course proposed by the University.
For the achievement of the title is required:
A. Have completed the doctoral training programme agreed with the Dean. This 60 ECTS programme includes - 20 ECTS for the methodological seminar, the course and the III cycle seminar. According to the previous training of the student, registration for other courses and seminars may be requested. - 30 ECTS for different productions and activities of the student (participation in conferences, writing an article, coaching a course of the 1st or 2nd cycle, etc.). - 10 ECTS for the presentation of the thesis project to the Moderator and to the Dean's Council. The quality of the problem and its presentation by the student will be evaluated. This project will be indicated in the appropriate form which will be withdrawn to the General Secretariat, with the Moderator's signature for the approval of the Dean's Council and the appointment of the first Censor.
B. The elaboration of a thesis of at least 180 pages. The student plans with a Moderator chosen from among the Faculty professors the theme of the written dissertation; when the the thesis is delivered, the Dean, after consulting the Moderator, appoints the second Censor.
C. The public defence of the thesis before a Chairman of the Committee, the Moderator and the Censors. The final vote is composed as follows: 75% for the the thesis and 25% for the defence. Study Plan: At the beginning of each semester the student is required to fill in his or her study plan in triplicate on the appropriate form, which must be approved by the Dean; one copy remains with the Dean, one with the Secretariat and one with the student. The Dean may accept that, among the complementary courses, a maximum of two may be attended at other Faculties. During the first year of the cycle, the student must submit his thesis project and obtain approval from the Dean's Council. He may submit a project three times. If it is still refused the third time, the student will not be admitted to the second year. Before the end of the second year of the cycle, the student must present to the Moderator and the first Censor a chapter of his thesis that can be approved by them as definitive. The Moderator and the first Censor shall communicate their judgement on this chapter to the Dean's Council. If the student does not obtain approval for this chapter by the end of the second year he will not be admitted to the third year. An approved thesis project is valid for five years from the date of approval. If the the thesis is not delivered by the end of the fifth year, the student must request an extension from the Dean's Council.{mlang}