License in Philosophy
The second cycle of the Philosophy Licentiate is aimed at students who have a Baccalaureate in Philosophy. Students who have completed philosophical or related studies at a State University or other ecclesiastical study centres and have not attained the Baccalaureate degree must agree with the Dean on the adaptation of the curriculum.
A. Two years of specialisation
The two-year specialization course is the second cycle of philosophical studies and leads to the achievement of the second academic degree: the Licentiate in Philosophy with specialization in Philosophy of Religion.
B. Research Areas
The two-year period is divided according to the specialization in Philosophy of Religion. The Faculty currently includes the following research areas: Phenomenology, Anthropology, History of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy and Medieval Studies.
C. Requirements
The License requires the achievement of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), according to the following subdivision: 1. Courses and seminars (90 ECTS); 2. The Licence thesis and its defence (20 + 5 ECTS); 3. The comprehensive oral examination (5 ECTS). For two examinations, in which the student demonstrates the ability to read and understand two modern languages (English, French, German, Spanish), 5 ECTS will be given. In order to reach the required number of ECTS, the student can produce (in addition to the examination) a written paper for a 3 ECTS course which would raise it to 5 ECTS or 6 ECTS if it is a larger summary work. Proceeding in this way can also increase the value by more than one 3 ECTS course. Students wishing to take the modern language examinations must agree with the Dean on the date of the exam at least two months beforehand. The student who wishes to increase the credits of a course with an extra paper must agree with the respective teacher and inform the Dean. Requirements for the first ordinary enrolment: Non-Italian students must pass the Italian language exam certifying their ability to follow the lessons. Those who fail the exam must follow the Italian language course proposed by the University.
D. Study Plan
At the beginning of each semester students are required to fill in their study plan in triplicate on the appropriate form, which must be approved by the Dean; one copy remains with the Dean, one with the Secretariat and one with the student. The Dean may accept that, among the complementary courses, a maximum of two may be attended at other Faculties.
E. Final oral examination
The student is required to choose two philosophical works, which he or she must account for in the final oral examination. One of the two works must be taken from a list established by the Faculty.
F. License thesis
At the beginning of the second academic year the student plans with a Moderator the theme of the written dissertation, which must have about 80 pages; this project will be indicated on the appropriate form, which is collected at the General Secretariat, with the Moderator's signature for approval by the Dean's Council. The project must be delivered to the Secretariat in one paper copy and one electronic copy. Upon delivery of the the thesis, the Dean, after consulting the Moderator, appoints the Censor; this choice is entered on the same form with the Dean's signature.
G. Organisation of the programme
The programme of courses and seminars is organised every year according to the following subjects:
1. Phenomenology
2. Metaphysics
3. Criticism of metaphysics
4. Philosophy of religion
5. Great texts of Philosophy of Religion I
6. Great texts of Philosophy of Religion II
7. Philosophy of language
8. Politics and society
9. Ancient Philosophy
10. Medieval philosophy
11. Anthropology
12. The reason
13. Philosophies and sciences
14. Aesthetics I
15. Aesthetics II
16. Various seminars
The detailed presentation of the programme indicates for each course or seminar in which subject it fits. An annual methodological seminar is added to these subjects.{mlang}