Baccalaureate in Philosophy
The first cycle of Philosophy is 3 years at the end of which the student obtains a Baccalaureate in Philosophy. Since only 2 years of philosophy are required to begin theology studies, our 1st cycle is organised as a two-year cycle (with only one year active for each academic year) plus a third year (active every year). For each semester the Faculty of Theology offers an introductory course in theology. These courses are compulsory for those who wish to continue their theological studies.
Particular importance is given to the study of the Latin and Greek languages necessary for access to the sources of the philosophical tradition and for subsequent specialization studies in the second and third cycle. Language courses are optional, but it is recommended to follow at least one course every semester. Please note that before the end of the first cycle of theology the student must achieve a basic education in both Latin and Greek. 3rd year students follow the courses of the Licentiate cycle. If they have not studied the first two years in the Faculty, the syllabus may integrate courses from these first years of the 1st cycle. During the 3rd year students must reach 50 ECTS between courses and seminars. At the end of the 3rd year the student must produce a 25-30 page thesis (10 ECTS), the subject of which will be agreed upon in advance with a Faculty professor. This project will be indicated on the appropriate form, which will be collected at the General Secretariat and signed by the Moderator.
Study Plan: At the beginning of each semester the student is required to fill in his study plan in triplicate on the appropriate form, which must be approved by the Dean; one copy remains with the Dean, one with the Secretariat and one with the student. The Dean may accept that, among the complementary courses, a maximum of two may be attended at other Faculties.{mlang}