Baccalaureate in Theology
The Theological Triennium (combined with the Philosophical Triennium) aims to provide the basic training necessary to pursue theological studies and to receive priestly ordination. It faithfully follows the lines drawn by the Apostolic Constitution Sapientia Christiana. However, not only is particular attention paid to the content but also to a style of teaching. Our students are guided to think theologically following the saying of our patron Saint Anselm: credo ut intelligam.
So that starting from that knowledge which is faith we can then arrive at the affirmation: "The more I understand, the more deeply I believe". This has made it possible to develop a way of doing theology that can ultimately be identified as an interweaving of experience, spirituality, liturgy and a symbolic approach with strong cultural implications. These characteristics make it a suitable place for all those, monks and not, who want to be introduced to existentially relevant theological thinking. Taking into account also its internationality and its location in Rome, it is a unique place of basic formation.
Requirements for Baccalaureate
In order to be admitted to the 1st cycle for the Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (ST.B.) it is necessary to have a high school diploma, which admits to the Civil University in the student's country of origin. In addition, the student must present authentic certifications showing the attendance and passing of the respective exams of a two-year preparatory studies in theology with the characteristics and subjects indicated in Art. 51 1° a) present in the Decree of reform of ecclesiastical studies of Philosophy. If the certificate is considered sufficient by the Dean, the student is admitted to the first cycle of theological studies (Triennium) as a regular student. If, on the other hand, the certificate is considered insufficient, the student must take those exams which, although provided for in the above Decree, have not been taken. The Dean may also decide that the student must only undertake preparatory studies in theology for a semester or a year.
To obtain the ST.B. degree, the requirements are:
- all mandatory courses;
- two courses of choice;
- one pro-seminar (1st year);
- two seminars (2nd/3rd year);
- a Baccalaureate thesis of about 30 pages
- the examination including oral.
In total, the student's academic activities must reach the value of at least 180 ECTS. The Baccalaureate exam (thesis + comprehensive exam) is worth 13 ECTS. This information reflects the Statutes and Ordinances (III. B. 1. A) according to the latest revisions approved by the Council of the Faculty of Theology on May 10, 2012 and by the Academic Senate on May 17, 2012.