On-line training courses
(correspondence courses, interactive courses, monographic courses, Edx platform)
In May, the cycle of online courses offered by the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo and by the Monastic Institute will start. he goal is to offer ongoing formation in monasteries by presenting new programs every semester. To adapt to the schedules of the monasteries, the courses will take place over a month (five weeks) with 2 hours of lessons per day (15:30 - 17:15), combining five different courses.
In May the courses will address the following topics by these professors:
1. Le fonti patristiche del monachesimo I (M. Monfrinotti)
2. Spiritualità liturgica I (S. Geiger)
3. I grandi modelli monastici della storia I (F. Rivas)
4. Il monachesimo secondo sant'Agostino (B. Sawicki)
5. Monachesimo medievale e la Teologia Monastica I (F. Rivas)
The courses will be held online, live, in the afternoon; participants can receive the record lesson to watch and listen to it at a later time. A different course will be held each day of the week. Along with the lesson and reading material, access to a bibliography of texts will be provided as a support to the participant and as an in-depth study.
The total cost is €400 per community. With a single registration, more people can connect. Scholarships are provided to cover all costs.
At the end of the course, each the participant is required to submit a written paper cthat will be evaluated by professors of Sant’Anselmo.
An international on-line open debate around some ideas of Jean Leclercq
The bookL’amour des lettres et le désir de Dieu by Jean Leclercq OSB, published in 1957, offers an interesting perspective on a field which today seems to be as much neglected as it is relevant: reading as intellectual, affective, cultural and spiritual experience. The integrity of this approach is very important in our fragmented modern world, which prefers narrow specializations and alienation, despite the intensified globalization going on around the world. Another precious aspect of Leclercq’s idea is, it offers a fresh look at the past, with the intention of integrating the great but, unfortunately, often forgotten, monastic tradition with our present.
Our times, painfully marked by the pandemic, seem to reveal new perspectives for the culture of reading. The most recent statistics show a great crisis of reading, both in quantity and quality. The domination of images and digitalization have decisively transformed the modern mentality. The global experience of covid-19 put to the test this mentality and now is forcing us to rethink some values and ideas. One of these is the experience of reading. Facing the solitude and isolation of lockdown many people came back to reading, reactivating in this way the experience of monks, whose way of reading integrated both affective, spiritual and intellectual experience. For many centuries this was the basis of the whole spiritual tradition of lectio divina: lectio-meditatio-oratio-contemplatio, where a natural way of reading a Biblical text led organically toward an intimate confrontation with it. From there a transforming movement of spirit emerged, opening to a new perception of God and creation. The natural complement of this experience was the liturgical celebration and everyday life in a community. So, reading could also integrate spiritual and social experience. In this way, the theological dimension, discretely present in the personal practice of lectio divina, can be rediscovered and reinterpreted in the context of modern secularization. The project is proposed by Centre/Centro Jean Leclercq, active from spring 2020 by the Faculty of Theology of Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo in Rome and gathering scholars from different universities, all inspired by the work of Jean Leclercq OSB.
The proposed Day of Studies is the first public activity of the Centre. Its intention is to inspire the participants (not only scholars and students) to reflect on reading and its possible role in our times. Thanks to on-line possibilities, we hope to stimulate an interactive exchange of reflection.
Among the planned activities, we wish above all to develop traces of the work of Jean Leclercq with the name to which we set ourselves: history, monasticism, theology, liturgy, spirituality, philosophy, all this marked by his method but also by his openness of mind and the open humanistic perspective that was his.
Présentation de Jean Leclerq »
Bernard of Clairvaux »
Necrology »
Hommage a dom Jean Leclerq »
Dom Jean Leclerq (1911-1993) »
John Arblaster, KU Leuven
Inos Biffi, Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale (Milano)
Maria Manuela Brito Martins, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Patrick Demouy, Prof. em.Université de Reims
Rob Faesen SI, KU Leuven : Bibliographie | Biographie
Laurence Mellerin, CNRS, Paris
Michael Edward Moore, University of Iowa
Patrick Pretot OSB, IC Paris
Fernando Rivas OSB, Sant’Anselmo, Roma
Bernard Sawicki OSB, Sant’Anselmo, Roma
Alicia Scarcez, Université de Fribourg
Claudio Stercal, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Christian Trottmann, CNRS, Paris
R.P. Bianchi Luca OFM Cap
R.P. Bosin Fabrizio M. OSM
Prof. Cetera Roberto
R.P. Chouweifati Antonios OLM
R.P. Cortoni Ubaldo OSB Cam
R.P. Dell’Omo Mariano OSB
Prof.ssa Erzberger Johanna F.
R.P. Eschlböck Laurentius OSB
R.P. Fidalgo Antonio Gerardo CSSR
R.P. Flores Arcas Juan Javier OSB
R.P. Geiger Stefan OSB
Prof. Grillo Andrea
R.P. Guvvala Showraiah OSB
R.P. López-Tello García Eduardo OSB
R.P. Krause Cyprian OSB
Prof. Manzocchi Bernardino
Prof. Mastromatteo Giuseppe
R.P. Meiattini Giulio OSB
R.D. Monfrinotti Matteo
R.P. Nardin Roberto OSB
R.P. Nouzille Philippe OSB
R.P. Pott Thomas OSB
Prof. Quartier Thomas OSB
R. Mons. Recchia Alessandro
R.P. Rivas Fernando Luis OSB
R.P. Salmann Elmar OSB
R.P. Sawicki Bernard OSB
Prof. ssa Scanu Maria Pina
R.Sr. Scheiba Manuela OSB
R.P. Semaan Elie OLM
R.P. Simon László OSB
R.P. Skeb Matthias OSB
Prof. Trianni Paolo
R.D. Tymister Markus
R.P. Visintin Stefano OSB
R.P. Wilde Mauritius OSB
Prof. Zupi Massimiliano
R.Sr. Böckmann Aquinata OSB
Rev.mo P. Engelbert Pius OSB
R.P. Lafont Ghislain OSB
Prof.ssa Perroni Marinella
R.Sr. Pfeifer Michaela O.Cist
R.P. Puglisi James SA
R.P. Rouillard Philippe OSB
R.P. Sheridan Mark OSB
R.P. Tragan Pius-Ramon OSB