Doctorate in Monastic Studies

After obtaining the Licentiate in Monastic Studies, the student can obtain a Doctorate in Monastic Studies according to the same terms as the academic degree of the Doctorate in theology.

The 3rd cycle aims to complete the scientific training with the drafting, the defense and the publication of a PhD thesis that offers a real contribution to the progress of theology.

Conditions for admission to the 3rd cycle:

The degree of Licentiate in Theology (SM.L.) with specialization in monastic spiritual theology (or monastic specialization) of the Monastic Institute with the minimum degree of magna cum laude. Students who have obtained the degree of license elsewhere may be admitted to the doctorate cycle on the same terms only if the license obtained is consistent with the specialization. If the continuity between the cycles is partially missing, it is up to the Dean’s Council, after consulting the Coordinator, to determine the study plan to be followed.

Requirements for the degree:

  • 2 courses;
  • an (annual) seminar for doctoral students;
  • the drafting, defense and publication of a PhD thesis.

Teaching of the catholic religion

The courses are 16 hours: 4 hours in the morning or afternoon in 4 weeks, usually at the end of each semester.
On 28 June 2012 the agreement between the State and the Italian Episcopal Conference on the professional qualification profiles of Catholic teachers was signed.
According to this agreement, every academic title in theology or liturgy gives the possibility to teach the Catholic religion in the Italian school of all levels.
In order to teach the Catholic religion in the Italian school, however, the student concerned must follow courses that the University has committed to provide in a complementary way and indicated by the Secretary General of the CEI, by letter of July 20, 2012, prot. N. 563/2012, as "important disciplines of IRC address".
These teachings will be offered along a cycle of 3 years. These courses, with the permission of the Dean / Headmaster, may also be included in the number of courses chosen in the curriculum.

Doctorate in History of Theology

Requirements for the degree of doctorate

For those who are licensed by the Institute of History of Theology, two courses and a seminar are required.
Students who have obtained the degree of Licentiate elsewhere can be admitted to the PhD cycle under the same conditions only if the Licence obtained is consistent with the Specialization.
If the continuity between the cycles is partially lacking, it is up to the Dean's Council, in consultation with the Coordinator, to determine the plan of studies to be followed.
The outline to be submitted for approval by the Dean's Council must follow the guidelines established by the Faculty. Its elaboration takes place under the guidance of the Moderator and the methodological help of the Seminar of PhD students.

License in History of Theology

Requirements for achieving the grade

According to the rules of the Bologna Process, new members for the degree of the License must reach a total number of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) distributed as follows:

  • In the first year of the specialization the student will have to choose a moderator with which to start writing the License thesis. This, together with the comprehensive exam, is worth 30 ECTS. The licensees must also participate in the seminar of research provided for PhD students with the aim of preparing methodologically the writing of the the thesis. The scheme to be submitted for approval must follow the guidelines established by the Faculty. There are no credits for this seminar in the case of the preparation of the thesis.
  • In addition, the student will get an additional 5 ECTS for two exams-verification in which he demonstrates the ability to read and understand two modern languages (English, French, German, Spanish). Language exams are held regularly at the PIL. A specific registration in the secretariat is required for this exam. The obligatory courses, the optional courses and the two seminars must cover at least 85 ECTS. To reach this number the student can take more than 3 ECTS courses, or produce (in addition to the exam) a consistent written paper which, evaluated by the teacher, would raise it to the value of 5 or 6 ECTS with a written paper.
  • The vote of the License is calculated for 30% on the average of the exams, 30% on the written work, 10% on the defense of the the thesis and 30% on the inclusive exam. The courses of your choice are not included in the general program of the Mabillon Institute. The student can choose these courses in the other programs of the Faculty of Theology or other faculties of the University. With the approval of the Dean, personalized programs can be developed.

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