Liturgical Music: High Specialization post-graduate course 2020/2021
The aim of this Highly Specialised Course is to contribute to the instruction of professional musicians, persons responsible for liturgical music and also students of music, who are interested in liturgical music and in the artistic field of music (historical-musicological-analytical-theological).
In order to understand and analyze the “liturgical ministry” of music a profound study of a musician’s specific competences is undertaken, letting us perform the treasures of sacred music with professionalism, competence and dignity.
Liturgical Music requires some knowledge of liturgical language, of the liturgical ministry entrusted to musicians, of the forms of liturgical music, history of sacred music, history of sacred music, sources and styles of liturgical music.
The access to the Course is open to:
- Graduates of Music,
- Organists, Choir Directors, Directors of Orchestras, Singers, Instrumentalists,
- Graduates of History, Musicology, Art,
- Graduates of Sacred Liturgy,
- Graduates of Sacred Music,
- Persons in charge of the diocesan Departments of Sacred Music,
- Teachers of music,.
- Curators of music.
The Course is taken over a two-year period. Students may commence at the beginning of either year. Each year is composed of seven modules and two conferences.
The students will obtain:
- A Certificate of Attendance for a single module;
- A Certificate of Attendance for a one-year period;
- A Diploma.
- M° Jordi-Agustí Piqué i Collado OSB
- M° Osvaldo Guidotti
- M° Gennaro Becchimanzi OFM Conv
- Prof. Fergus Ryan OP
- M° Juan Pablo Rubio OSB
- M° Juan de la Rubia Romero
- Prof. Diego León Fioravanti
- Prof.ssa Sr. Veronica Yong SPC
Scientific Committee
Most Rev. Abbot Notker Wolf OSB, Abbot Primate Emeritus
M° Jordi-Agustí Piqué i Collado OSB
M° Vincenzo De Gregorio
M° Juan Pablo Rubio OSB
Balbulus Foundation
“Abate Notker Wolf” Scholarship
The Balbulus Foundation will grant one scholarsip, “Abbot Notker Wolf Scholarship”, for the academic year 2020-2021. The needs of the students and their compatibility with the liturgical music programme will be taken into consideration when deciding to whom the scholarship will be awarded.
The scholarship will cover a portion of the academic fees only, and will not cover other expenses such as the cost of board and lodging. Applications for the scholarship to be sent to the Rector by 5th October 2020.
More information: scholarsip