Learn Greek in English in Rome

Alongside the new Latin in English in Rome programme, the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy is offering an equivalent course in Ancient Greek taught in English. The course, which is part of the introductory year of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, aims to bring students to a fluent reading ability of Classical Greek, which was a continual point of reference for Christian Greek writers, as well as to include passages in Koine and patristic Greek.

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Publications of the Congress on "Virtual" Liturgy

Congress attendance can be reserved by paying a deposit of 15.00 € during the registration.

For those interested in previous volumes:

Liturgia e culturaLiturgia e cultura.
Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionale di Liturgia

Roma, Pontificio Ateneo sant’Anselmo – Pontificio Istituto Liturgico
9-11 maggio 2018
Francesco Bonomo, Stefan Geiger, Dominik Jurczak, Fergus M.T. Ryan

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Liturgia e culturaCarmina Laudis: risposta nel tempo all'Eterno.
Atti del X Congresso Internazionale di Liturgia

Roma, Pontificio Ateneo sant’Anselmo – Pontificio Istituto Liturgico
6-8 maggio 2015
Eduardo López-Tello García, Stefano Parenti, Markus Tymister

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» buy it



Registration for the "Virtual" Liturgy Congress

Regular fee: 50,00 €
Student fee: free of charge

Registration deadline 30 September 2021.




Payment information

Payment should be made to (bank transfers should be at no cost to the beneficiary):


Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo
Banca Intesa San Paolo
Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10
I – 20121 Milano

IBAN – IT 90 O 03069 09606 100000060160
ABI: 03069
CAB: 09606

Explanation: Liturgia Virtuale – 2021



Please complete the registration form below.



Programme of the "Virtual" Liturgy Congress

Simultaneous translation into English and Italian will be provided.

09:00  Registration and Reception
10:00   Opening of the Congress
Anthropological and philosophical aspects
10:40   Homo adorans in Times of Digitalization? Theological Perspectives on a Liturgical
     Anthropology for the Future
    prof. Joris Geldhof (Research Unit of Pastoral and Empirical Theology,
12:00   Apéritif
13:00   Lunch
15:00   Partecipazione “virtuale”, assemblea “virtuale”?
    prof. Guillermo Rosas Dias (Chile)
15:45   Celebrare i sacramenti e sacramentali: tra materialità e “virtualità”?
    prof. Juan Rego (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)
16:30   Coffee break
17:00   Liturgia registrata e trasmessa
    prof. Paolo Tomatis (Facoltà teologica dell’Italia settentrionale)
17:45  Communication Esperienze liturgiche durante la pandemia
    prof. Radek Tichý (Charles University, Praha)


08:30  Opening and Welcome

Historical aspects

09:00  Quali sono state le risposte liturgiche della chiesa in tempo
    di epidemia?
    prof. Alfonso Esponera Cerdán OP (Professor Emeritus of Church
    History at the  Facultad de Teología "San Vicente Ferrer", Valencia)
10:20   Coffee break
10:50   La comunione come medicina dell’anima e del corpo
    prof. Valerio Polidori (Pontificia Università Lateranense)
13:00   Lunch
15:00   La manducatio per visum, revival di una spiritualità medievale?
    prof. Gabriel Seguí (President dell’Istitutt Litúrgic ad instar facultatis,
15:45   Paraliturgie e pestilenze (XIII-XIV sec.)
    prof. Claudio Ubaldo Cortoni OSB Cam. (Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo)
16:30  Coffee break

Liturgical and pastoral aspects (part one)

17:00  Liturgia delle ore e riunione virtuale: pregare la LH riuniti virtualmente
    prof. Thomas Pott OSB (Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo)


08:30  Opening and Welcome

Liturgical and pastoral aspects (part two)

09:00  La pastorale liturgica in tempi di pandemia: una riflessione critica
  prof. Hans-Jürgen Feulner (University of Vienna, Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology, Cattedra di Liturgia, Vien)
10:10   Rapporto tra preghiera liturgica e preghiera familiare: la liturgia della chiesa domestica
    prof.ssa Helène Bricout (Directrice - ajointe de l’Institut Supérieur de Liturgie, Paris)
10:40   Coffee break
11:00   PANEL DISCUSSION «Guardare il futuro». Partendo dal Congresso: quali prospettive?
    Joris Geldhof, Alfonso Esponera, Hans-Jürgen Feulner in dialogue with the professors of the PIL Dominik
   Jurczak OP,
Olivier Sarr OSB
    [5 communications 8 minutes long - discussion]
12:35   Conclusion
13:00   Lunch


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