Metaphorein - Open passages between life and sacrament
Elmar Salmann
Metaphorein - Passaggi aperti tra vita e sacramento
A cura di Gianluca De Candia
Cittadella, 2021
ISBN 9788830817746
The publication is the fruit of the 8th meeting of the Lectiones Vagagginianae of 21 November 2018, a day of study organised by the dogmatic-sacramental specialisation of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo in Rome.
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Elmar Salmann OSB, born in 1948 in Hagen (Westphalia), studied philosophy, literature and theology in Paderborn, Vienna and Münster. He has been a Benedictine monk at Gerleve Abbey since 1973 and has taught theology and philosophy for over thirty years at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo and at the Gregorian University in Rome. He is one of the most original voices in contemporary theological thought.
Gianluca De Candia, after completing his philosophical and theological studies at the Apulian Theological Faculty (Regina Apuliae Institute), obtained his doctorate in Fundamental Theology under the direction of Prof. Salmann at the Pontifical Gregorian University. In addition to collaborating with several journals, he has already published "La vera amabilità del Cristianesimo. Charme e stile di una fede postmoderna' (Soveria Mannelli, 2009).
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