History of Theology
Today's world is varied and diverse. So has theology throughout history. This multiformity is the starting point of our teaching. Its knowledge prepares our students to communicate with today's language the theological message that Tradition has handed down to us.
In fact, two thousand years of reflection on God and man have produced multiple approaches to the one mystery of God. Theology and the Magisterium use these resources. Just as our students learn to do so.
Today we find problems which have already been experienced in a similar way in the past and which have been illuminated from different points of view. Thanks to the inspiration we receive from the great masters of all times, our students develop new sensibilities and ways of confronting problematic issues. In this sense, the past, in its diversity, also illuminates the world in which we live.
A theology that wants to be consistent with the Gospel is born of experience. The monastic environment in which we carry out our teaching favours the living of theological thought. A family atmosphere, an international panorama and a community, which lives, prays and works together, guarantee the necessary balance between thought and experience.
For the rest, our Institute is inspired by the programme of higher formation proposed by the famous monk "Jean Mabillon" (1632-1707), who pointed out that the young Benedictines should be attracted by the fascination of theologians of all times: from the East and the West, from biblical hermeneutics and dogmatics, from the Orthodox Fathers and the best Catholic spiritual theologians.
The University has been present in the city since 1687. This presence in the heart of the Catholic Church opens up unique perspectives for anyone wishing to study Catholic doctrine in the light of the dialogue that the Church itself regularly holds with the most diverse interlocutors.
Attentive to the Tradition of the Church and the Magisterium, we try to read the Gospel in the light of the needs of modern society. Secularisation, exclusion, poverty, multiculturalism, always evident in Rome, enter into dialogue with the thought of the Church.
Study Cycles
It is possible to study the two higher university cycles, as established by the Holy See and the European Union in the "Bologna Process".
II cycle: the Licentiate in Theology, with specialization in History of Theology, is developed during two years. The course culminates with the Licentiate in Theology (ST.L.).
III cycle: after the Licentiate, for a minimum of three more years, the course continues until the Doctorate in Sacred Theology (ST.D.).
Practical indications: for enrolment in the 2nd cycle, a Baccalaureate in Theology or equivalent theological preparation (e.g. studies in the seminary) is required, to be verified in this case with an admission examination. Knowledge of Italian (level B2) is required to attend the studies.
Course programme
The programme develops in different areas: a) historical and theological methodology, b) history of theology, c) specific topics of particular interest for reflection of all times, d) optional courses of different kinds.
The methodological courses offer both propaedeutic aspects and the background against which to read the other disciplines that are being studied In special cases (higher ecclesiastical theological studies already done or not completed) personalised programmes are also possible.
The configuring courses are the courses proper to the specialization. They aim to deepen the knowledge of the whole History of Theology so that the student can reach an understanding of past and present theological systems. These courses are divided into two areas of study: History of Theology and History of Exegesis. On the one hand, the History of Theology provides the student with the essential knowledge that distinguishes and shapes our specialisation in the different stages of its evolution: patristic, monastic, scholastic theology, modern thought or the latest contemporary approaches.
The specific courses take into consideration distinctive and important themes of the History of Theology: the relationship between Platonism and Christianity, the contribution of Anselm of Canterbury or Thomas Aquinas, the thought that developed according to the Ecumenical Councils, ecumenism or the thought of redemption.
The optional courses take a look beyond the programme of the specialisation, helping the student to prepare his Licentiate or Doctoral thesis. To maximise the range of possibilities of the interdiscipal approach