"Translation-adaptation-translation" (SC 37-38)
On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the promulgation of the Liturgical Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Second Vatican Council, the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, the Liturgical Action Center, the Association of Professors of Liturgy and the Disciples of the Divine Master are honored to invite H.H. to the day of study.
"Translation-adaptation-translation" (SC 37-38)
The question of translations of the Roman Missal and the problem in different languages.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
9.00-12.00 (online event)
Greeting of Prof. Jordi-Agustí Piqué i Collado OSB, Dean of the Pontificio Istituto Liturgico.
Moderator Prof. Muroni Pietro Angelo, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana.
La traduzione dei libri liturgici: l'"assillo" della riforma liturgica.
Prof. González Padrós Jaume, Prof. of the Instituto Superior de Liturgia ad instar facultatis (ILF)
¿Un rito adaptable es un rito? Tensión entre adaptación y formación litúrgica.
H.E. Maniago Claudio, President of the Commissione Episcopale per la liturgia
Terza edizione italiana del Messale Romano. Tappe del Lavoro di redazione e criteri della traduzione.
Prof. Drouin Gilles, Director of the Institut Superieur de Liturgie in seno all’Institut Catholique de Paris
«Traduire/adapter la liturgie, oscillations françaises».
Most Rev. Prof. Polan Gregory J. OSB, Grand Chancellor of the Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo
The Challenges of preparing good and authentic translations for the Liturgy.
Prof. Pott Thomas OSB, Prof. of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo
Altre dinamiche teologiche, altri paradigmi storici: prospettive orientali.
Dr. So Agostino, dr. in Liturgy at the Pontificio Istituto Liturgico
La nuova edizione del Missale Romanum in lingua coreana (2017).
To participate you need to register online: registration form.