Philippe Rouillard OSB
On 1st January 2021, Professor Philippe Rouillard OSB (1926-2021), a monk and priest of the Abbey of Saint-Paul de Wisques, passed away.
Professor Rouillard received his Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo in 1958 and from 1972 to 2002 he was a professor at the Faculty of Theology.
He has been Professor of Sacramental Theology since 1988 and was also Director of the Studia Anselmiana series.
We pray for the deceased and for his community.
Prof. Vincent Tobin OSB (1933-2020), monk and priest of Saint Meinrad Abbey (St. Meinrad, IN) died on 22 December 2020.
P. Tobin resided for almost twenty years at Saint Anselm's (from 1986 to 2005) serving as General Secretary. He also taught Latin and Greek at the Athenaeum.
As we remember him with gratitude, we pray for him and his community.
On 25 November 2020, the Holy Father appointed Mgr Robert Mogapi Mphiwe, until now Vicar General, Bishop of the Diocese of Rustenburg (South Africa).
Mgr Robert Mogapi Mphiwe, born on 14 March 1972, received his Licentiate in Liturgy from the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome.
We wish H.E. Mogapi Mphiwe all the best on his appointment.
From 14 January, bookings for examinations are now open.
The deadline was extended to 24 January.
Some exams may be missing, so students are invited to check by the hour.