The Holy Father has appointed Rev. Joseph-Bernard Likolo Bokal’Etumba as Bishop of the Diocese of Lisala (Democratic Republic of the Congo).
H.E. Mons. Joseph-Bernard Likolo Bokal’Etumba obtained a Doctorate in Liturgy at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy (2008-2013) with the thesis «Sentiamus, Domine, quaesumus, tui perceptione sacramenti, subsidium mentis et corporis» (Post Communionem du lundi de la première semaine de Carême). Salut et santé d’après l’euchologie des messes du Temps de Carême dans le Missale Romanum, 2008.
We extend to His Excellency our best wishes for his appointment. {mlang}
Metaseminario lacaniano
A series of meetings on Jacques Lacan's Seminar XIX “...or Worse” (1971-1972)
VII meeting
On Monday 10 May 2021, at 6.30 p.m., the VII meeting of the "Metaseminario lacaniano" will be held. Dr. Antonio Di Ciaccia (Psychoanalyst SLP, President of the Istituto Freudiano) will present «Che cosa cerca Lacan?». The meeting will be coordinated by prof. Fabrizio Palombi (University of Calabria). As in previous times, the event will be broadcast live on the Metaseminario lacaniano Facebook group; participation is free upon registration to the group.
The cycle of online courses offered by the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo and the Monastic Institute has begun. The aim is to offer ongoing formation in monasteries.
The Centre Jean Leclercq will present the international debate, "Rediscovering the love of reading (lectio) for our better future", on 29 April 2021.
The debate, entirely on-line, aims to inspire the participants (not only scholars and students) to reflect on reading and its possible role in our times.