Following Law no. 29 of 12 March 2021, teaching will only take place as "distance learning" from Monday 15 March 2021 until the Easter holidays. Each Faculty will decide and communicate autonomously with regard to Councils, defences etc. Unless otherwise indicated, we will resume teaching activities in person after the Easter holidays.
The library and the offices of our university remain open for professors and students as previously.
Change in the hours of the Office of the Registrar The Office of the Registrar will be closed to the public on Fridays in order to carry out its official duties.
Thank you for your attention and understanding.
Metaseminario Lacaniano
Ciclo di incontri sul Seminario XIX di Jacques Lacan… o peggio (1971-1972)
V incontro
Lunedì 8 marzo 2021, alle 18.30, si terrà il V incontro del “Metaseminario lacaniano”. Interverrà la prof. Deborah De Rosa (Università della Calabria) con la relazione “Intersezioni tra logica e psicoanalisi: a partire dal XIX Seminario”. L’incontro sarà coordinato dal prof. Fabrizio Palombi (Università della Calabria).
Come le volte precedenti l’evento sarà trasmesso in diretta sul gruppo Facebook Metaseminario lacaniano; la partecipazione è libera previa iscrizione al gruppo.
Locandina evento
Prossimi appuntamenti
Metaseminario lacaniano
A series of meetings on Jacques Lacan's Seminar XIX “...or Worse” (1971-1972)
V meeting
On Monday 8 March 2021, at 6.30 p.m., the V meeting of the "Metaseminario lacaniano" will be held. Prof. Deborah De Rosa (University of Calabria) will present “Intersezioni tra logica e psicoanalisi: a partire dal XIX Seminario”. The meeting will be coordinated by prof. Fabrizio Palombi (University of Calabria). As in previous times, the event will be broadcast live on the Metaseminario lacaniano Facebook group; participation is free upon registration to the group.
Upcoming events
Starting from 5 March 2021, the second level of the Floral Art for the Liturgy course of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy will take place. The lessons will be on Friday afternoons, for a total of 4 meetings.{mlang}