Il 29 agosto 2021 è tornato alla casa del Padre il prof.  James Leachman OSB (1947-2021), monaco della St Benedict’s Abbey di Ealing (London).

P. Leachman ha condotto gli studi di Licenza presso il Pontificio Istituto Liturgico, conseguendo poi il Dottorato nel 1993 discutendo la tesi “Dom Gregory Dix (1901-1952) An introduction to his liturgical writings on Christian initiation and the Eucharist”. A partire dal 2002 è stato docente associato del PIL, nonché membro del consiglio di Facoltà.    
È stato anche membro del consiglio di redazione della rivista Ecclesia orans dal 2013 al 2018.
Nel ricordarlo con gratitudine, preghiamo per lui e per la sua comunità.

» James Leachman OSB RIP

James Leachman OSB at the Anselmianum

by Daniel P. McCarthy

In 2007 he co-founded with our professor Daniel McCarthy the project Liturgiam aestimare: Appreciating the Liturgy, which came to consist of a publishing
 series, an ongoing conversation, and teaching liturgy and the Latin language at the Master’s level.
In the same year the  Preside of the PIL, Prof. Ephrem Carr, and his council approved the establishment of a series of publications under the title Documenta rerum ecclesiasticarum instaurata  as a form of continuation of the original series published by the Institutum Liturgicum at Sant’Anselmo prior to the Second Vatican Council. This series considers the prayers and liturgies of the post-conciliar liturgy. 
An inaugural colloquium was held at Sant’Anselmo on 31 May 2008, which resulted in the publication of their first volume: Appreciating the Collect: An irenic methodology . This was the first of fourteen international, ecumenical, ongoing conversations and the first of numerous publications to date.

In 2010 the Preside and his council also authorised teaching courses drawn from the curriculum of the PIL during summer sessions conducted in English at Ealing Abbey under the title Institutum Liturgicum in Anglia et Cambria,
 sponsored by both Ealing Abbey and St. Michael Abbey, Farnborough, Hampshire.
Upon retiring from teaching at Sant’Anselmo, James dedicated himself to studying Process Oriented Psychology which helped him to reach out to survivors of childhood sexual abuse by clergy and to address this abuse in numerous ways including a day conference: Growing into Connectedness: Healing the history of child sexual abuse, held
 on Sunday 21 October 2018.